Another mashup with an Ellie Goulding acapella on top of it.
The Hood Internet has slapped Goulding’s ‘Lights’ acapella over a classical interpretation of Kanye West’s ‘All Of The Lights’. (Performing artist: Portland Cello Project.) I think this is a really nice idea, but somehow I needed to get used to the mashup a bit. Here and there the instrumental and acapella don’t seem to go together that well. And maybe the acapella could use a little boost on the mid-frequencies, as where the instrumental’s mid tones could also be a bit softer. Or maybe I’m just nagging, because the idea of this mashup is just solid.
Ellie Goulding vs. Portland Cello Project – All Of The Lights (The Hood Internet Mashup) | |
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This is one of the latest track presented by Lovely Hearts Club on Soundcloud.
The track is called ‘Help!’ and performed by Philco Fiction, a three headed band from Oslo, Norway. Can’t really find much information about Lovely Hearts Club tough.. They seem to be part of the label Paper Garden Records, but the label’s site does not work. Only things that seem to work are the LHC’s Twitter and Soundcloud accounts. Twitter account says it’s a blog for Paper Garden employees to showcase music. Aw well, at least their selection of wicked tracks are streamable.
Philco Fiction – Help! | |
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Here’s a very cool freebie EP ‘Scenes In A Dream’ by Brooklyn producer Sweater Beats.
It was released two weeks ago and features three very good tracks (+ outro) with vocals from Sunni Colòn (LA), Lisa Dank (Seattle) and OhJuicy (New York). Mentioning these names so you can look em up. Trust me, it’s worth the effort. Here’s one of the tracks from the EP. The download link send you to the entire EP.
Sweater Beats – What You Need (ft. Sunni Colòn & Lisa Dank) |
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And last track for today is a bit older. The Lenno remix of Futurecop’s ‘Starworshipper’
Had my doubts at first about the track because it felt a bit too straight foward and vocals sounded a bit childish. And I still think the track is the absolute opposite of super innovative IDM. But that doesn’t rule out the fact that it just works really well. So cheers for that to both Futurecop and Lenno. Also nice to mention, Lenno appears to be 16 years old. Double cheers for putting out quality remixes when you’re that young.
Futurecop! feat. Starrset – Starworshipper (Lenno Remix) | |
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that ellie goulding and all of the lights cello mix does not work at all.