Jackplug Blog Posts

December 25, 2011 / Uncategorized

Stuck On Fuckin’ You The day finally came. Christmas day 2011, we’re posting Lady Gaga music. She posted this little track titled ‘Stuck On Fuckin You’ on Twitter today as a Christmas present for her seven nation army of gaga…

Read the PostLady Gaga, Q-Tip, Fingerman, Enigma Dubz

December 25, 2011 / Uncategorized
December 24, 2011 / Uncategorized

1. In the beginning Daft Punk created ‘Something About Us’ and Dj Fresh created ‘Gold Dust’. 2. And ‘Gold Dust’ was fast and solid; and the Daft Punk track was mellow and deep: and the awesomeness of both moved upon…

Read the PostDaft Punk, Dj Fresh, Jimi Needles, Psymbionic

December 24, 2011 / Uncategorized
December 24, 2011 / Uncategorized
December 23, 2011 / Uncategorized
December 22, 2011 / Uncategorized

You know Quintin Tarantino’s masterworks ‘Pulp Fiction’, ‘Kill Bill’ and ‘Inglorious Bastards’. If you don’t know what the f* I’m talking about, rent it, buy it, stream it, watch it. Seriously. For all you bad motherfuckers familiar with the Tarantino…

Read the PostAlbum review: Wick-It – Grindhouse Bastards [4/5]

December 22, 2011 / Uncategorized

I Follow Rivers There’s a new free EP out on Lykke Li’s Soundcloud Page. The package titled ‘The Lost Sessions Vol 1’ contains three acoustic reworks on tracks from the ‘Wounded Rhymes’ album. Below is her well-known ‘I Follow Rivers’,…

Read the PostLykke Li, The Knocks, ’96 Bulls