Jackplug Blog Posts

December 21, 2011 / Uncategorized

Gotta set something straight first. As some of the commentors on last post correctly pointed out, the acapella edit on Skrillex’ ‘Breathe’ comes from Krewella. The kind people of OWSLA reported that it had nothing to do with it. So…

Read the PostXaphoon Jones, Elbee Thrie, G3rst, Perseus

December 19, 2011 / Uncategorized

Breathe (Vocal) So some dude sent some email which was a reply to a reply to a reply to some dude claiming he hacked into OWSLA-computers and got the vocal version of Skrillex’ ‘Breathe’. Not sure about giving you the…

Read the PostSkrillex, Little Dragon and ChromodaData

December 17, 2011 / House
December 16, 2011 / Uncategorized
December 14, 2011 / Uncategorized

Shangri-La / Houdini Quick update: Never knew this, but Skizzy Mars is a pretty frequent Soundclouder. He does it well. Today he uploaded a new track titled ‘Shangri-La’ to his own page. Great production, although there’s no reference to whoever…

Read the PostSkizzy Mars, Foster The People

December 14, 2011 / House
December 13, 2011 / Uncategorized
December 12, 2011 / Uncategorized