You’re not lost. Just updated the blog’s looks today. If something’s not working properly or if you have tips on improving the site (or if you just think the new design is shit ugly, that’s okay too..), hit us up…
Jackplug Blog Posts
Rock The Show Just uploaded by Zak Downtown: ‘Rock The Show’ featuring Hoodie Allen. Zak Downtown writes: “Heres a new track featuring Hoodie Allen off of “Downtown Delinquents” that’s coming out on Thursday Dec 1st. Enjoy the track, it’s an…
Read the PostZak Downtown, Hoodie Allen, Little Boots, Crazy P
Take On Me.T. Wouldn’t be too fond of hearing the millionth Katy Perry remix/mashup at all. But there are always exceptions. Daft Beatles is not mashing up Daft Punk with the Beatles anymore so here’s his new project: Pop Pants.…
Read the PostKaty Perry, A-Ha, Pop Pants, The White Stripes, Das Heat
Hip Hop Doctor Any production fitted with the Dead Prez ‘Bigger Than Hiphop’ acapella imediately gains 3 points on awesomeness. So does this mashup of the Dead Prez Acapella and ‘Doctor’s Darling Riddim’ by Seeed. Can’t even remember the last…
Who Dat Girl (SmarterChild Remix) A few days ago NYC’s Smarter Child put up a remix on Flo Rida’s ‘Who Dat Girl’. I first heard the original ‘Who That Girl’ on Youtube and facepalmed my way through the entire video.…
Clocks (Rogue Dubstep Remix) Hey, dubstep and Coldplay can still be pretty cool. Birmingham based producer Rogue took on ‘Clocks’, Coldplay’s played-to-death-and-beyond anthem of 2003. Result: Awesome dubstep all over your face. Limit To Your Love (Mr. P Remix) Just…
Read the PostColdplay, Rogue, Feist, Mr. P, Icebird, B.Visible, Rayna, Other Lives
Big Bad Wolf (Craze & Codes Remix) Duck Sauce are giving away a cool track on their Facebook page. You must know the drill by now: Like the page, get a present. The present in question here is a remix…
Read the PostDuck Sauce, Craze, Codes, Justice, Gorillaz, Kylie Minogue, Blue Satelite
Over (Batawi Hippity Hoppity Remix) Cairo is all over the news because the Supreme Council of Armed Forces is neglecting human rights. And Cairo is all over my Soundcloud because Batawi just dropped a neato remix on Drake’s ‘Over’. Just…
Read the PostDrake, Batawi, Justice, Daze, Amit Erez, Applescal